Porterhouse is dedicated to the memory of Ron Porter.

Firefighter. Friend. Chef. Family.

Porterhouse Bourbon & Bones is dedicated to the memory of Ron Porter, a good friend of the group of partners who came together to form the restaurant.

Ron Porter grew up here in the South Bay and had a heart for giving. He was a hero and a Riverside County firefighter who put his life on the line each day to serve and help others. Living and working as a team, he and his crew would cook together each day at the firehouse and Ron became known for being one of the most creative and talented guys in the group. He loved it. His interest in cooking began at a young age but was really mastered during his time as a fireman. Ron was also an avid hunter and fisherman, a skilled craftsman and gardener. He was known to grow his own vegetables and herbs and to bring home fresh meat and fish, then create recipes and make his own menus from them. Everyone loved Ron’s creations, visual and taste. He dreamed of one day owning a restaurant and would connect with friends who owned local restaurants to share his recipes, discuss them in detail, and dream of the possibilities.

Then one day, while battling a fire, Ron fell through a roof and was badly hurt. His injuries were so great that it forced him to be in bed for a full year. It was an incredibly stressful time for him and for his family. When he eventually healed, Ron knew he could no longer be a fireman. In seeking other options, Ron, who was incredibly likable and smart, decided he would try his hand at real estate. A quick learner, organized, enthusiastic, and great with people, Ron thrived and was incredibly successful in his new career.

All of the Porterhouse partners knew Ron, and to know him was to love him. He was incredibly giving and would wake up before dawn for months on end to deliver food to the homeless. In the community and as a local businessman, Ron was instrumental in helping with the Tower 60 charitable foundation’s Paint it Pink campaign to promote Breast Cancer Awareness and raise over $50,000 for the Los Angeles City of Hope, a world-class cancer-care and research hospital here in California.

Fast forward to the Covid pandemic. Ron, like so many others working from home during that time, decided to get away from the “big city” so he headed to his cabin deep in the wide open spaces of Idaho for several months, where he had family and could be in his beloved outdoors. During that time, he was having some issues with his stomach and after trying to make a few dietary and lifestyle changes, Ron eventually decided it was time to come back to LA to be checked out. When he returned and went to see one of his doctors here, they ran multiple tests and tragically, the doctor told Ron he needed to make an appointment with City of Hope, that he had Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. As a fireman, and in his philanthropic work with City of Hope, Ron knew right away what that meant, and booked the appointment. City of Hope did everything they could for Ron, but in the fall of 2021 at the age of just 50 years old, Ron lost his battle to cancer in just three months time.

One year later, when the opportunity arose for his friends to open a new restaurant in El Segundo, they decided it was time for Ronnie to get his restaurant, and the concept of Porterhouse Bourbon & Bones began to come together. Then in the summer of 2023, we opened our doors, where Ron continues to inspire us all. We are honored to have Ron’s fireman jacket overlooking all that we do here at the restaurant, and we are each grateful to have known him.

This is Porter’s House.